Sunday, May 14, 2023

Old and New


Well -- not in a creative moment, but in a practical one -- I have added this 18x24 painting to my Etsy page listings.  

The things I see on the doctor's walls help me to realize that this simple, monochrome outline of a mustang might be something that will fit a space -- perhaps a youngster, or an oldster.  Maybe.

This is perhaps the doodling around that is keeping me from more 'serious' play.  Yes indeed.  It may deserve a marker just for that point.  Hmmm, maybe less of this, although it is fine and accurate.

gosh this picture was a bit hard to find.....the piece on the Ogallala Aquifer after the style of Hundertwasser.   So -- this art tells more about water in the mid-west.  It does have a story, and a bit of a mystery.  Those are of course playa's, which seem to recharge the aquifer in a disproportionate amount, to their size(s).  There are of course the irrigation fields operating under unsustainable water laws...and the forces of sun and water.  It was a fun start -- into a new way of storytelling. 

So nice they changed the name of Ft Benning to that of a couple -- LtGen Moore and his wife Julia.  This is a story about community and family's contribution to our ability to succeed in our geopolitical efforts.  It SO resonated with my family and my upbringing.
On this mother's day -- after these 50 years since her passing, it is very special to run across this today.

Namaste --

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Five Year Update


Thanks for being here for a moment or two.

I saw some collage work done by Benny Andrews in San Antonio at the McNay in January of 23 and got together with some friends on a 'collage' date and made a collage after the style of Benny which is shown below the Hunter.  Benny makes his collages out of fabric which he twists around to the shape he needs and lets it sit in a resin until it hardens after which it appears he painted it with oil.  I loved the way the piece came together -- it had perspective -- as Benny's do, it had the texture and volume, and I think it had even more narrative than his pieces seemed to have.  My guitar teacher's piece uses guitar strings and the music streams out of her guitar in a lovely green bow.  She is wacky and her cat, Basura, is her foil...with bristling whiskers.  

The first piece was one of the highlights of my regular representational painting -- the photo was a selfie by Ashley Jones -- talented and creative, and she shared it out on FB.  For me the narrative here was the overlap with mask-wearing of covid, as in a protection mode we had all become accustomed to.  However, for me, she was even more-so the hunter -- as an Army officer and shooter, she is smart, dangerous and deadly while paradoxically being beautiful.  I am proud that this art was selected at the Texas Friends and Neighbors show in 2022 in Dallas.  Gosh time flies.

I think my art is moving away from the latter and toward the former.  Next blog entry will be about my practical art experiment about the Ogallala Aquifer a Hundertwasser style.  with a touch of information about what I have learned about the importance of playas.  

Namaste my friends.  John