A friend brought to my attention Art Competition.net and that they have virtual exhibitions, and one coming up on dreams. So I have submitted two submissions on two different kinds of dreams.
I wanted to put them up here too -- frankly the difficulty was to get a handle on the artist statements. Any suggestions from anyone on how to do a better job with them would be greatly appreciated.
So, here they are...
I am a representational artist and photographer and I enjoy
finding the nuanced and subtle beauty or narrative of a scene in work about
nature or people.
In this dream exhibit I have submitted three oil paintings
which all relate to the narrative of global climate change – Rape Victim of Sudan, Aylan, and Louisiana Rains. In them I
find a narrative about both nature and people and present several ideas. I think that I do not understand the many
forms of the global impact of climate change.
These do include rain and climate refugees. Refugees who can no longer sustain their
communities where they once did because the weather has changed and who find
themselves in new struggles with their neighbors – and therefore more
conflict. The significance of these
changes I fear is like a shark in the sea, where I carry on my live swimming
around, oblivious to an existential danger.
The defenseless and the weak among us feel the impact first. Should I be listening more closely? Who holds the light with the answer, perhaps
it is I?

In this dream exhibit, I have submitted three digital photographs
of the San Antonio River which all relate to the narrative of water and the
river – River Upon River, Water Flows Through Us, and Built of Water. In western United States, as in many
parts of the world, water is a precious commodity. The San Antonio River is a remarkable
geological gift from God. A ridge of
hills to the north catches the intense rainfall which is common in Texas and
channels it into porous rock storage from which springs flow and water is
pumped. Our water storage is rapidly
recharged in San Antonio, but we are careful stewards of it. River Upon River echoes dreams of Rome and
Greece to me with marble columns and the majesty of cascading plants and
distant architecture. In Water Flows Through Us, I feel like the
trees, the sky, and bicyclist and the duck are all so clearly infused with the
flow of water; and of course, we are.
Lastly in the Built of Water image, the base of one of the first mill
dams of the river is in the foreground and behind one of the newest condominium
complexes. We are all a mirage without
our precious water which we all must collectively care for.