Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cleaning Gutters in the Rain

It finally rained over an inch here. We have months and months of drought conditions. The day before, knowing we had 40% chance, I made sure all the rainwater collection system valves were in the right place. At 2 a.m., I was awakened by the sound of water falling from the roof to the path outside the bedroom window. I got up and realized a downspout was blocked up. I got the ladder and an umbrella and freed it up. I think I collected several thousand gallons almost topping off the 7,500 gallon system. This is a pencil sketch from the morning.

FtSam Oak

There was a magnificant old oak tree across the parking lot from where I had some time to wait. So I did a pencil sketch of it. The two bushes to the right and down the road are a bit distracting. Perhaps if the road were clearer. I liked how the texture turned out for the leaves.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Santiago de Atitlan Pencil

Feeling a bit of the blah's and thought I would put this on the blog for fun. I created it last Jan perhaps. A mentor said -- keep drawing.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Point Loma CA near San Diego Pencil

This was a pencil drawing from the beach near Ocean Beach looking south. In pencils of various hardness and done from a photo after the fact.