I had a friend over and we spent some time this afternoon discussing an upcoming project with the San Antonio Art League and Museum about art and the joy of breaking bread together. It is an odd topic and my friend is ferocious about keeping us on the topic.
Well, we then turned to a little painting -- here we had choices too -- finishing up a Sorolla cover we were doing and had started last week or starting something a little simpler. We both wanted to work on this Walkway toward the Sun. We were looking for varying amounts of light, medium and dark. I think it has a lot of dark, a medium amount of medium, and a small amount of light. A focal point might be that lightest light next to the darkest dark, or a focus point, in this case both the railing/darkness edge, and the bridge as a whole -- and the highlighted part, bring out interest to the bright sunlight. That light is snuggled interestingly in the tree branches and the dark sky above. Great way to spend a Sunday evening this new year. Thanks for taking a minute to read. John